Executive Board 2023-2024



Vice President




Sam Moore

Danna Liebhaber


Rick Ramstetter

Mimi Mello

Tara Pfund

Are you interested in joining the Executive Board? Becoming a committee chairperson? Just want to lend a hand here and there?

There are many opportunities to be involved in your PTA. With a variety of committees, teams, and events throughout the year, Prune Hill PTA has a place for you to help our school community in a way that fits your skills and schedule.

All volunteers must have an approved application for volunteering with the Camas School District on file to be eligible. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the PTA President for more details.

Executive board positions are held for a one year term, and a person can hold the same board position for 2 years consecutively. Board Elections are held during the May General Membership Meeting of the Prune Hill PTA.

Team Captains 2023-2024

Teacher Liaison




Birthday Table





5th Grade Fun

Gillian Buchanan

Becky Loftsgaarden

Katelin Cole



Darcey Feldman


Hannah Spies


Amy Linder


What does becoming a team captain entail?

Team Captains lead a team of volunteers in completing tasks for the PTA as a whole. Fundraising captain leads and runs our Run 4 Fun fundraiser in the fall. Socials captain coordinates and heads up the Fall and Winter family fun nights. Appreciation captain coordinates and heads up the team that runs Staff Appreciation initiatives. Birthday Table captain coordinates the monthly birthday table celebration and helps keep supplies for this stocked. Communications captain works with the website, newsletter, and social media team. Yearbook captain helps coordinate photographers and page layouts for the school yearbook sold in the spring.

Don’t have time to be a Team Captain of a group?

Many hands make light work. Even if you cannot coordinate a full team of volunteers, many roles are available at times when you are able to lend a hand. Need to volunteer in the evenings? Communications and Yearbook groups might be just right for you. Have extra time in the school day? Socials and Birthday Table could be right up your alley. Don’t have much time? We can always use extra helpers for set up and break down at one day events like Run 4 Fun, our Family Fun Nights, or all school Carnival. Whatever you’re able to give, we are happy to have you on our team.

All volunteers must have an approved application for volunteering with the Camas School District on file to be eligible. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the PTA President for more details.

Current open positions are listed in the table to the left.